
Couple hugging on sidewalk

Legal vs Healing Separation. What's the Difference?


Legal separation and healing separation are two distinct concepts in the realm of relationships, each serving different purposes and carrying different implications. Legal Separation: Legal separation refers to a formalized agreement between spouses to live apart while remaining legally married. It …



The power of words cannot be understated. Words possess the ability to nurture, heal, and strengthen the bonds between partners. In the list of sentiments collected, we explore how words, when chosen with care and sincerity, have the potential to ignite love, kindle passion, and perpetuate the …

Leading Cause of Divorce In America


The leading causes of divorce in America can vary depending on various factors such as cultural, socioeconomic, and individual circumstances. However, some commonly cited reasons include: Lack of communication: Communication issues, including poor communication or a breakdown in communication, can …

10 Reasons to Date your Spouse


Once you're married, don't think you can stop spending time to keep the romance alive between you both. Yes, it is important to date your spouse even after marriage! Dating your spouse is important for several reasons, as it can contribute to the overall health and strength of your relationship. …

How to Navigate the Holidays for Struggling Marriages


The holiday season, including Christmas, can affect struggling marriages in various ways. While it's a time associated with joy and togetherness, the added stress, expectations, and dynamics during this time can exacerbate existing marital issues. Here are some ways Christmas holidays might impact …

10 Keys to Practicing a Happy and Healthy Marriage


Introduction Marriage is a beautiful journey that requires effort, understanding, and commitment from both spouses. While the initial stages of love are exhilarating, maintaining a healthy marriage requires continuous work and dedication. In today's fast-paced world, couples often find it …

15 Ways to Protect Your Marriage from Crisis


Maintaining a healthy and strong marriage is a continuous effort that requires communication, understanding, and commitment from both spouses. While it's impossible to prevent all crises, there are several strategies you can employ to reduce the likelihood of major issues and address them …

7 Strategies When Your Spouse Emotionally Checks Out


Emotional disconnect in a marriage can be a distressing and challenging situation to navigate when you're trying to save your marriage. When your spouse checks out emotionally, it can lead to feelings of loneliness, frustration, and confusion. However, it's essential to remember that this doesn't …

8 Steps to Surviving a Marriage Separation


Marriage problems can escalate to the point where both spouses think they need physical and emotional space to prevent permanent, irreparable damage to the relationship. While a few hours or a weekend visiting a friend might help clear your head, a marriage separation does not prevent a divorce. In …

Sex and Marriage: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself


Marriage problems often arise from sexual issues between a husband and wife. Even in most good relationships, couples deal with sex-related marriage issues from time to time. Unfortunately, most of us find these issues difficult to admit and talk about. Instead, we tend to deny or hide them until …

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