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Keeping Love Alive During Marriage Crisis

You both said, “I do” in front of all your family and friends. Whether it was recently or many years ago, you demonstrated your love for each other by bonding together with those vows. But now you are having marriage problems and it seems like love is something only for newlyweds and teenagers — a silly notion of the past. Think again! Love can be rekindled, grow and become stronger than ever in times of marriage crisis. It isn’t easy. It requires commitment, hard work and a willingness to seek professional marriage help. After all, you wouldn’t be in a marriage crisis if you and your spouse were able to make your relationship work alone.

Marriage problems can break or make a marriage. But life-long love is still possible. Perhaps it’s time to start rebuilding your relationship. If approached with an attitude of commitment, this can be a time that marks a new beginning for your relationship.

Remember that love is still possible

When we encounter conflict in marriage, we often forget about and fail to show love for our spouses. In the heat of the moment, we forget what we did that made our spouses first come to love us. Don’t fall into a trap of just “living with” your spouse. Make a conscious effort to consider the love that brought you together in the first place. Talk to your spouse about the time when you first met, or some of the first memories you share. Remembering the good times can help you to refocus your attention towards finding solutions to your marriage problems.

Demonstrate your love

It is easy to get wrapped up in daily tasks and responsibilities so much so that we forget to show love every day in small ways. Pause each morning and night to express your love for your spouse. Find little ways to demonstrate your love, like a compliment or thoughtful gestures. And don’t do these things as a test, or for a limited time, or with a conscious condition that “If this doesn’t work, it’s over!” Give your spouse sufficient time and grace to feel loved again and begin to show it reciprocally. You can save your marriage. Just don’t give up!

Make time for your spouse

There is perhaps no better way to say “I love you!” than by taking time from your own schedule and regular activities to have devoted time with your spouse. Make a date with each other as often as you can. You don’t need to leave the house or buy an expensive dinner. It’s about spending time together. Showing your spouse that you are eager to spend time together may go a long way toward resolving marriage conflict.

The road to working through a marriage crisis is taken one small step at a time.  Keep your thoughts positive.  It will be reflected in your actions.  If you are finding it difficult to find solutions, look for marriage help from professional marriage counselors or marriage workshops.  Many times it takes this professional help to find the road back to a happy marriage.

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